Slate Money with ProPublica’s Jesse Eisinger and Stanford's Rob Reich on transactional philanthropy, family foundations, and the Red Cross scandal.

Slate Money on Transactional Philanthropy

Slate Money on Transactional Philanthropy

Slate’s weekly business and finance podcast.
Nov. 15 2014 12:12 PM

The Philanthropy Edition

Slate Money welcomes ProPublica’s Jesse Eisinger and Stanford's Rob Reich to a special episode about Lincoln Center, family foundations, and the Red Cross scandal.


Listen to Episode No. 28 of Slate Money:

On this week’s episode of Slate Money, host Felix Salmon of Fusion, Jesse Eisinger of ProPublica, and Rob Reich of Stanford University discuss transactional philanthropy at Lincoln Center, the boom in family foundations, and ProPublica’s investigation of the Red Cross. 


Slate Money will appear every Saturday in the Slate Daily Podcast and its own feed.

Jesse Eisinger is the author of The Chickenshit Club.

Rob Reich is Professor of Political Science at Stanford University and co-director of the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society.

Felix Salmon is a journalist.