Slate Money: The Impenetrable Business Jargon Edition
Listen to Slate’s show on financial gobbledygook, corporate "living wills" vs. "Too Big to Fail" and the battle over the estate of Robert Rauschenberg.

Listen to Episode 14 of Slate Money:
On this week's episode of Slate Money, Felix Salmon of Fusion, Cathy O'Neil of Columbia University, and Slate's Jordan Weissmann discuss the use and abuse of jargon in business and finance, regulators’ demands that financial institutions rewrite their figurative "living wills," and the battle over the literal estate of the artist Robert Rauschenberg.
Slate Money appears every Saturday in the Slate Daily Podcast and its own feed (links above)
Twitter: @felixsalmon, @JHWeissmann, @mathbabedotorg