Pasta shapes chart: Different types of pasta mapped.

Penne, Pah-lease: This Chart Will Make You a Pasta Snob

Penne, Pah-lease: This Chart Will Make You a Pasta Snob

A partnership of Slate and the New America Foundation.
Aug. 6 2013 11:46 AM

Spaghetti! Fagioloni! Conchigliette!

Hundreds of pasta shapes, categorized and mapped.

If you’ve ever found yourself at an Italian restaurant trying to decide between mezzani or ricciutelli or chifferi or fazzoletti without knowing what any of them mean only to settle for ubiquitous and familiar penne, a new chart from Pop Chart Lab can transform you into a know-it-all pasta snob. The chart maps the diverse world of pasta shapes and goes well beyond the ones you can find in a typical grocery store, including the more silly-looking “ornamental shapes” and a whole universe of handmade pastas unknown to most people.

Double-click to zoom. Click and drag to pan. Chart republished here with permission. Get it here.