Barack Obama's Facebook news feed.

Barack Obama's Facebook news feed.

Barack Obama's Facebook news feed.

The latest news from the president's profile.
Oct. 22 2010 6:26 PM

Barack Obama's Facebook Feed

Juan Williams, Sharron Angle, and the real reason Ginni Thomas called Anita Hill.

Click here to see recent feeds.

Juan Williams was tagged in a video: "Muslim Garb Makes Me Nervous."
NPR sent Juan Williams a gift: "Thanks for Your Contribution!"
Fox News sent Juan Williams a gift: $2 million
Juan Williams
Roger Ailes
We like to spread the wealth around :)
Fox News tagged Juan Williams in a photo:
Christine O’Donnell was tagged in a video: “The First Amendment Says I Can Say Anything I Want About What the First Amendment Says.”
CNN posted a quiz: “Who won the debate?”
A) Harry Reid
B) Sharron Angle
C) Networks that didn’t carry this debate.
Jack Conway posted a video: “Does Rand Paul Worship Aqua Buddha?”
Rand Paul
What a sickening attack on my faith.
Rand Paul posted a note on Aqua Buddha's Wall: “I'm sorry.”
Aqua Buddha
You are forgiven.
Gawker posted an article: “Beyoncé Pregnant?”
Joe Biden
I can neither confirm nor deny.
The State Department posted a note: “That Time of the Month in France.”
Forbes posted an article: “TARP Was Actually Profitable.”
Mitch McConnell
Dammit! This totally undermines our whole message.
Tea Party
John Boehner
I think we’ll be OK.
Ginni Thomas posted a note on Anita Hill’s Wall: “Apologize for what you did with my husband.”
Anita Hill
Excuse me?
Ginni Thomas
Oh gosh, that was meant for Antonin. He spoiled the end of Catfish for Clarence.
Barack Obama posted a note: “Chamber of Commerce Spends Foreign Money on Campaigns.”
Chamber of Commerce
Actually, we don’t.
Barack Obama posted a note: “Chamber of Commerce Could Spend Foreign Money on Campaigns, if It Wanted.”
CNN Chilean miners emerge into light after months of darkness, terror.
CBS created the event America’s Top Miner.
NBC created the event Digging with the Stars.
ABC created the event Shafted: 20 miners, 40 days, 1 winner.
Jimmy McMillan was tagged in a video: “The Rent is Too Damn High.”
Andrew Cuomo
Wait a sec, that’s just the “Pants on the Ground” guy.
Will Smith posted a video: “Whip My Hair.”
Barack Obama
Don’t get any ideas.
CNN posted an article: “Judge Issues Injunction Against ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ ”
Adm. Mike Mullen
I have something to tell everyone. I’m—
CNN posted an article: “Appeals Court Reinstates DADT.”
Adm. Mike Mullen
... I’m really enjoying this ham sandwich.
Barack Obama posted a note: “No, I am not trying to get rid of Joe Biden as VP.”
Joe Biden Anyone need tickets to Burning Man 2013? Something came up.
Barack Obama is in Phildelphia
Joe Sestak
Thanks, Mr. President. How ‘bout them Phils?
Barack Obama
Well, it’s not a simple issue, Joe. The Giants have the better bullpen, but it’s hard to argue with the Phillies’ starting rotation and strong bottom of the lineup.
Sharron Angle tagged Jackie Chan in a photo:
Sharron Angle tagged Salma Hayek in a photo:
Sharron Angle is eating Mexican or Chinese food, she’s not sure which.
Barack Obama posted a video: “It Gets Better.”
Mitch McConnell posted a video: “No It Doesn’t.”


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Christopher Beam is a writer living in Beijing.

Chris Wilson is a Slate contributor.