Opening Act: Oz

Opening Act: Oz

Opening Act: Oz

Reporting on Politics and Policy.
May 15 2012 8:07 AM

Opening Act: Oz

Joe Weisenthal explains why the ratings agencies are ridiculous. (As someone trying to build credit, I too am losing faith in the infinite wisdom of these institutions.)

For people of a certain age, the name "Ed Klein" used to be associated with books people took semi-seriously.


Ezra Klein explains something that first seems byzantine: Jeff Flake's cuts to the National Science Foundation.

Rich Bunnell looks back at Oz.

And Buddy Roemer is currently campaigning to hit enough Americans Elect supporters to stay active as a candidate. David Walker, who tried to fabricate a surge two weeks ago, is still 9400 delegates short of a nomination -- he's given up and started asking to be Roemer's running mate.