Elizabeth Edwards, Blog Mystery Woman?

Elizabeth Edwards, Blog Mystery Woman?

Elizabeth Edwards, Blog Mystery Woman?

A mostly political weblog.
Sept. 27 2009 4:56 PM

Elizabeth Edwards, Blog Mystery Woman?

UPDATE: This blogger claims the Daily News story is false, though I don't quite follow his argument ... MORE: But I'm beginning to have grave doubts about the Daily News report myself. 1) Would Elizabeth Edwards rail against "New World Order corporations"?  2)   Would she go on about Larry Summers' speaking fees ? 3) It's not that there are too few "Cherubim" postings. There are almost too many. They defend Eliot Spitzer . They attack Diane Sawyer. They praise Michael Jackson and  ... the Isley Brothers . They all seem to cohere as the opinions of a passionately opinionated, quirky, not wildly sophisticated die-hard Edwards loyalist blog commenter who is nevertheless distanced from the Edwardses herself. It's a big country. There's bound to be someone like that out there. It would be a huge, and seemingly inexplicable, effort for Elizabeth Edwards to have created this persona and stayed in character. ...

But I've been wrong before! If it turns out Elizabeth Edwards is also a diehard Michael Jackson defender  who thinks he was "murdered by powerful people in the record industry,"  I'll certainly reconsider. ...


ORIGINAL ITEM: If--big if--St. Elizabeth Edwards is the blog commenter "cherubim"--as the N.Y. Daily News' Rush & Molloy argue --it raises as many questions as it answers! In particular, this one: Is "cherubim" a) deluded (actually believing Edwards clearly  "was not the father"  of Rielle Hunter's child,etc.), or b) deceiving (trying to sell the Web on a story she might well not be true, a story she was in fact working out in her comments)? Or--the inevitable consensus choice (c)-- some wacky combo of both? ... As usual, I urge readers not to overlook possibility (b) ...  This Daily Beast  web page (worth a screen cap just in case) is one of those with juicy "cherubim" comments that now seem much juicier . ... P.S.: Note that on this page "cherubim" is accused of being Elizabeth Edwards back on June 22 by another commenter, "Ohseriously." ...  2:20 P.M.
