@kausfiles--Twitter Workaround Edition

@kausfiles--Twitter Workaround Edition

@kausfiles--Twitter Workaround Edition

A mostly political weblog.
Aug. 7 2009 4:16 PM

@kausfiles--Twitter Workaround Edition

Friday, August 7, 2009

Twitter seems to be down. That doesn't stop the All-Platform Journalist! Here's what I would have posted :


Friday afternoon shocker!   http://tinyurl.com/ks7f7g 4:44 P..M.


Lloyd! Before you let them call Lou Dobbs "immigrant-hating" in your intro  you should maybe come up with at least one (1) example of Dobbs hating immigrants. Don't let The Beast turn you into a cliche ball of lib elite prejudices! ... 1:47 P.M.

A good campaign song for practically any Democrat . Ignore lame intro. ...  1:46 P.M.


Not my finest two minutes on  Bloggingheads . ... I guess the short answer I couldn't come up with is that our system is biased against change. It's easier to block something by populist demonizing than it is to enact something by populist demonizing. ...Plus, at this point, the "demons" voters are most scared of are not insurance companies but Obama's own oh-so-rational cost-cutters . ...  1:45 P..M
