Brow Beat

Good News! The Trump Presidency Is Actually Just a Far-Fetched Reality TV Show.

It’s must-see TV … because you literally can’t turn it off.

Still via Youtube

The core components of reality television have always been at the heart of Donald Trump’s presidency, but in the past few weeks especially, it’s getting harder and harder to believe that this is real life. A different cast member departs every week. There’s no shortage of petty feuds. And don’t get me started on the dialogue lately …

As a matter of fact, it almost seems obvious now that the past six months have all just been an incredibly immersive reality television show, one so outrageous and implausible that we just can’t help tuning in to hate-watch. And thanks to The Daily Show, we have a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes of The Celebrity Appresident.

Listen to the producers’ explanations for some of the show’s wacky plot twists and recurring characters, including why they had to write off fan favorite The Mooch. As thrilling as it is to know what goes into creating a show like this, I’ll be honest: We could really use a commercial break right about now.