San Francisco’s lesser-known but lovable landmark.

Political Gabfest Hits the Road in San Francisco

Political Gabfest Hits the Road in San Francisco

Slate's weekly political roundtable.
Dec. 8 2014 8:14 AM

Political Gabfest Extra: San Francisco Treat

Two Slate podcast hosts trade stories while driving toward a secret destination.

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Camera Obscura, San Francisco, California.
Camera Obscura, San Francisco.

Courtesy of Sanfranman59/Flickr

Listen to this Political Gabfest Extra recorded in San Francisco during Slate’s National Gabfest Tour.

Dana Stevens leads David Plotz on a drive through San Francisco, the city she called home for 12 years. They chat about Dana’s grad school era, David’s deep mistrust of the ocean, and one gigantic camera. This extra was recorded on the 2014 National Gabfest Tour made possible by Acura. 

David Plotz is the CEO of Atlas Obscura and host of the Slate Political Gabfest.

Dana Stevens is Slate’s movie critic.