Slate's Explainer Podcast: what it means for the Fed to start "printing money."

Slate's Explainer Podcast: what it means for the Fed to start "printing money."

Slate's Explainer Podcast: what it means for the Fed to start "printing money."

Audio answers to questions from the news.
Dec. 1 2008 2:59 PM

Slate's Explainer Podcast

Answers to your questions about the news—on your MP3 player.

Listen to Slate's Explainer column wherever you go. The most recent Explainer Podcasts are listed below, or you can subscribe  to Explainer Podcast on iTunes.

Nov. 28, 2008

"Start the Presses? What it means for the Fed to start 'printing money,' " by Jacob Leibenluft. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 26, 2008

"Are Private Jets Safer Than Commercial Airliners? The Big Three auto companies say they are," by Juliet Lapidos. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 25, 2008


"The Turkey-Industrial Complex How do farmers produce so many birds for Thanksgiving?" by Nina Shen Rastogi. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 24, 2008

"The Off-White House: How much can an incoming president change the décor at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.?" by Juliet Lapidos. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 21, 2008


"Explainer's Pirate Roundup: Your questions about pirates with answers from our archives," by Noreen Malone. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 20, 2008

"Measuring the National Carbon Footprint: How do you total up the greenhouse-gas emissions for an entire country?" by Brian Palmer. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 19, 2008


"The Millionaire Arsonist: Is a homeless felon really expected to pay $101 million?" by Christopher Beam. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 18, 2008

"Can You Be a Gay Mormon? Yes, but only if you don't have sex," by Nina Shen Rastogi. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 14, 2008


"How Many Lashes Can One Man Take? Thousands, if they're performed correctly," by Noreen Malone. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 13, 2008

"Brother, Can You Spare a Dinar? What kind of lifestyle can an Iraqi neighborhood patrol officer afford?" by Brian Palmer. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 12, 2008


"Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar? The best way to interrogate a child," by Juliet Lapidos. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 11, 2008

"Cyberspace Invaders: Is a cyber-attack an act of war?" by Christopher Beam. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 7, 2008

"What Happens to All the Ballots From Election Day? They'll likely be shredded by Christmas of 2010," by Jacob Leibenluft. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.

Nov. 6, 2008

"The Presidential Transition FAQ: Does the president-elect get to ride around in Air Force One-elect? And other questions …" by Juliet Lapidos. To listen to the podcast, click on the audio player below. You can also download the program here.