Kids and Internet safety, Danah Boyd’s It’s Complicated, and Scarlett Johansson New Yorker profile on the Double X Gabfest.

Why Do Men Write This Way About Scarlett Johansson?

Why Do Men Write This Way About Scarlett Johansson?

Slate’s weekly women’s roundtable.
March 20 2014 8:34 AM

DoubleX Gabfest: The Stranger Danger Edition

Listen to Slate’s show about the Atlantic story on our safety obsession; Danah Boyd’s new book, It’s Complicated; and the New Yorker’s weird Scarlett Johansson profile.

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Listen to the DoubleX Gabfest by clicking the arrow on the audio player below:


In this week’s Gabfest, DoubleX editor Hanna Rosin joins Slate senior editor Jessica Winter and New York magazine senior editor Noreen Malone to discuss the Atlantic story on our safety obsession; Danah Boyd’s new book, It’s Complicated; and the New Yorker’s weird Scarlett Johansson profile.

Other items discussed in the show:

DoubleX recommendations:


Jessica Winter recommends you read Lydia Davis and that you start with Samuel Johnson Is Indignant.

Hanna recommends Parallel Lives: Five Victorian Marriages by Phyllis Rose.

Noreen wants you to give a second chance to Broad City.

DoubleX plugs:

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