Dear Prudence

Dear Prudence: The “Master of Disaster” Edition

My friend is a total klutz. How do I explain I don’t want her holding my newborn? Help!

Dear Prudence is back with her annual reminder: It’s OK to ruin the holidays! Then, advice columnist Anna Pulley joins to respond to your letters.

First up: Can an open marriage save my sexless one? How do I get my mother to end her cycle of relationships with abusive men? I moved to a retirement community where 1970s-style sexism runs rampant. I’m in a happy and healthy relationship with a man slightly younger than me—why is my family so convinced he’s using me? And finally: How do I tell my accident-prone friend I don’t want her to hold my baby?

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Got a question for Prudie? Send it to Or leave a voicemail message at 401-371-DEAR (3327), and you may hear your question answered on a future episode of the show.

Read Prudie’s Slate columns here. Production by Audrey Dilling.