Dear Prudence

Dear Prudence: The “Go Dutch” Edition

My friend forces me to share a dish whenever she’s supposed to foot the bill. Help!

Writer and Bitch magazine co-founder Lisa Jervis joins Prudence to hash out how to be the best “mysterious widow.” Then, your letters: Should I tell an acquaintance her boyfriend is a known rapist? My sister’s fertility battle is making her stepdaughter feel like she doesn’t count as a child. I just found out my father-in-law was abusive—how do I tell my husband I don’t want his dad around our kids? I’m disappointed with my wedding photos. My friend asks to “split” an entree every time it’s her turn to buy lunch. How can I get my in-laws to shut up about my choice not to have kids? My mom calls me several times a week and only talks about herself—how do I get her to back off?

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Read Prudie’s Slate columns here. Production by Audrey Dilling.