Dear Prudence

Dear Prudence: The “Mulligan” Edition

I once told my tomboy friend no one would have sex with her, but now she’s a babe. Can I ask her out? Help!

Prudence is joined by guest Alyssa Furukawa to get real about what it means to say “I’m on my way.” Then, your letters: I’m a pansexual woman married to a cis man—should I still come out to my homophobic family? My in-laws won’t accept my disability and my husband’s not stepping in. Should I call an immigrant co-worker by their given name or their Americanized name? I told my tomboy friend she was “unfuckable” in college, but now she’s hot—can I try to date her? Can I pick a fight with my neighbor over where their trees are planted? And how do I make things right when my offhand comments backfire?

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Read Prudie’s Slate columns here. Production by Audrey Dilling.