Slate Amicus with Dahlia Lithwick on the Supreme Court’s passport and grouper cases.

Amicus Episode 5: Who Has Ultimate Authority Over Our Passports?

Amicus Episode 5: Who Has Ultimate Authority Over Our Passports?

Law and the Supreme Court justices who interpret it.
Nov. 8 2014 2:58 PM

Amicus: Jerusalem Born

Dahlia Lithwick talks with lawyer Alyza Lewin about Zivotofsky v. Kerry, which debates whether Congress or the President has ultimate authority over passports.

Listen to Episode 5 of Slate’s Amicus:

This week on Amicus, Dahlia speaks with lawyer Alyza Lewin, fresh off oral arguments in this week's Supreme Court case Zivotofsky v. Kerry. The case asks whether Congress or the President has ultimate authority over people's passports, and whether putting "Israel" as the place of birth for Americans born in Jerusalem should be considered an act of foreign policy. Plus: Dahlia offers a blow-by-blow of the high points in the Court's other big case this week, Yates v. United States, which posed the probing question of whether a bunch of grouper should qualify as "tangible objects."

Please let us know what you think of Amicus, which will appear several times a month to start.

Podcast production by Tony Field.

Dahlia Lithwick writes about the courts and the law for Slate and hosts the podcast Amicus.