Slate Editor David Plotz and Daily Caller Editor Tucker Carlson chatted about Charles Rangel, David Paterson and health care reform. Read the transcript.

Slate Editor David Plotz and Daily Caller Editor Tucker Carlson chatted about Charles Rangel, David Paterson and health care reform.…

Slate Editor David Plotz and Daily Caller Editor Tucker Carlson chatted about Charles Rangel, David Paterson and health care reform.…

Conversations in real time.
March 4 2010 11:22 AM

What's the Matter With New York?

Slate Editor David Plotz and Daily Caller Editor Tucker Carlson chatted about Charles Rangel, David Paterson and health care reform. Read the transcript.

Slate Editor David Plotz and Daily Caller Editor Tucker Carlson discussing the scandals of David Paterson and Rep. Charles Rangel, health care reform, and more in their weekly chat. You can read the transcript below.