The woman from Hope.

The woman from Hope.

The woman from Hope.

Political ads dissected and explained.
May 15 2007 3:46 PM

The Woman From Hope

Bill Clinton lends a hand to his wife's campaign.

He's back. Bill Clinton has been quietly working on his wife's campaign for months, dialing old friends to secure their support, attending fund-raisers, and kibitzing quietly on strategy. Now he's moved into the spotlight a little more, putting himself at the center of a Web video touting his wife. He talks about her dedication to public service and, most of all, her tireless hard work in much the same way he used to talk about himself. As you'll see in our Damned Spot video, there are other parallels with his past as well.

You'll find more Damned Spot videos at our video archive page. And you can see the entire Bill Clinton video here.



Andy Bowers, the creator and executive producer of Slate podcasts, is the co-founder and chief content officer of Panoply.

John Dickerson is a co-anchor of CBS This Morning, co-host of the Slate Political Gabfest, host of the Whistlestop podcast, and author of Whistlestop and On Her Trail.