Corrections from the last week.

Corrections from the last week.

Corrections from the last week.

Slate's mistakes.
Sept. 9 2011 7:08 AM


Red pen.

In a Sept. 9 "Culturebox," Seth Colter Walls originally misspelled the name of the band Cypress Hill.

In the Sept. 8 "Intelligence Squared," Elizabeth Weingarten repeated John Donvan's account of having moderated 35 Intelligence Squared U.S. debates. In fact, he has moderated 33.


In a Sept. 8 "Slatest" post, Josh Voorhees misspelled the name of Green Bay's NFL football team. They are the Packers.

In the Sept. 7 "DoubleX," Libby Copeland incorrectly stated that Ashley Mears had access to her modeling firm's accounting books; she did not. Instead, she compiled information on models' earnings through interviews. Copleland also misspelled the first name of model Coco Rocha.

In the Sept. 7 "Explainer," Brian Palmer misspelled the name of National Weather Service meteorologist Eli Jacks.

In a Sept. 7 "Sports Nut" dialogue entry, Stefan Fatsis originally included incorrect data on the proportion of severe injuries and concussions that occur during punts and kickoffs. The figures have been corrected.


In the Sept. 6 "Politics," John Dickerson misspelled Jon Huntsman's first name.

In the Sept. 1 "Dear Prudence," Emily Yoffe used the term pederast instead of the more appropriate word pedophile.

In the Aug. 31 "Gallery," Katherine Goldstein misidentified Roshan Abraham as Akbor Abraham.

In the Aug. 29 "Future Tense," Kevin Gold misstated the developer of the QSensor. It was created by the startup company Neumitra.

In the Aug. 24 "Architecture," Witold Rybczynski referred to a concert harp as a Celtic harp.

Slate strives to correct all errors of fact. If you've seen an error in our pages, let us know at General comments should be posted in our reader discussion forum "The Fray" or our comments sections at the bottom of each article.

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