Corrections from the last week.

Corrections from the last week.

Corrections from the last week.

Slate's mistakes.
Dec. 31 2010 7:09 AM


Red pen.

In the Dec. 29 "Explainer," Brian Palmer misstated the date and death toll of the Haymarket Square riot.

In a Dec. 29 "Brow Beat" blog post, Stephen Metcalf misstated the location of the University of Canterbury. It's in Christchurch, not Wellington.

In the Dec. 28 "Culturebox," Christopher Beam misspelled the first name of Playmate Crystal Harris and misidentified the film To Have and Have Not as To Have and To Have Not.

In the Dec. 28 Slatest, in an item about U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq, Sonia Van Gilder Cooke stated erroneously that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki "sought to allay fears that his governing coalition ... would be unduly influenced by Iraq." It should have read "influenced by Iran." In an item about New York's blizzard, she incorrectly stated that New York City subway passengers were stuck for 15 hours on a D train Sunday night. One passenger recalled that it took him 15 hours total for a trip across the city, but passengers were stuck on the D train for less time.

In the Dec. 23 "Transport," Tom Vanderbilt referred to a Paul Rudolph exhibit at Cooper Union as ongoing. In fact, the exhibit had closed as of the article's publication. He also stated that the exhibition contained a full-scale model of the Lower Manhattan Expressway. The model was actually less than full-size.

In a Dec. 22 " Culturebox," Martin Kihn incorrectly referred to methods like the choke chain as negative reinforcement. In operant conditioning, the proper term is punishment.

In a Dec. 21 "Politics," Christopher Beam stated that New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey shrank in population. The census shows they grew in population, but not as much as other states.


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