Corrections from the last week.

Corrections from the last week.

Corrections from the last week.

Slate's mistakes.
Nov. 12 2010 7:04 AM


In a Nov. 12 "DoubleX," Hanna Rosin misidentified the states where various female candidates won in their elections: Vicky Hartzler is from Missouri, not Mississippi; Sandy Adams is from Florida, not Alabama; Michele Bachmann is from Minnesota, not Missouri. In addition, Bachmann's first name was misspelled.

A Nov. 11 "Press Box" incorrectly stated that Microsoft, Google, and Apple make the three top Internet browsers in use. An editor introduced the error several hours after publication. The original stated merely that Microsoft, Google, and Apple make three of the top browsers.


In a Nov. 11 "Technology," Farhad Manjoo misidentified a Google engineer as Brad Fitzpatrick. He is Brian Fitzpatrick.

In a Nov. 11 "Books," Jacob Weisberg compared President George W. Bush with presidents from "the last half decade." He meant the last half century.

In the Nov. 10 "Jurisprudence," Dahlia Lithwick misspelled the name of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri.

In a Nov. 10 "Moneybox," Annie Lowrey wrote that that Social Security was in the black. It is not projected to have a surplus until 2012.


In the Nov. 10 Slatest, Meredith Simons misstated the retirement age proposed by the White House deficit commission. It was 69, not 79.

In the Nov. 10 Slatest, Jessica Loudis misidentified the Republic of Congo as the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In a Nov. 9 "Moneybox," Christopher Beam incorrectly stated that the Federal Reserve would have to raise interest rates if it fixed the price of gold too high, rather than too low.

In the Nov. 9 "Explainer," Brian Palmer mistakenly stated that a Rhode Island hospital treated 305 patients who intentionally swallowed foreign objects over the course of eight years. It was 33 patients who had swallowed objects a total of 305 times.


In the Nov. 9 "Supreme Court Dispatch," Dahlia Lithwick stated that the NAACP filed a brief in the case AT&T Mobility vs. Concepcion. It was filed by the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, a separate entity.

In the Nov. 8 "Politics," David Weigel misspelled Arkansas State Sen. Joyce Elliott's last name.

In a Nov. 7 "Technology," Tim Wu misspelled the first name of engineer Frederick Taylor.

In a Nov. 5 "DoubleX," Emily Bazelon misspelled Kirsten Gillibrand's last name.


In a Nov. 4 "Movies," Dana Stevens misidentified the studio division that released 127 Hours. It was Fox Searchlight, not Twentieth Century Fox. She also stated that viewers were sickened at the film's Sundance Festival premiere. It was at the Telluride festival.

In the Oct. 29 "Doonan," Simon Doonan misspelled Jayne Mansfield's first name.

In an Oct. 29 "DoubleX," Katherine Russell Rich directly attributed a sentence ("The stats are dismal") to the book Pink Ribbon Blues that does not appear there. Additionally, in a sentence saying that women have the same chance of dying from breast cancer today as they did 50 years ago, she failed to specify this applies only to women with invasive breast cancer.

In an Oct. 14 "DoubleX," Noreen Malone incorrectly referred to the blog Moms4SarahPalin as Mom4Palin.

Slate strives to correct all errors of fact. If you've seen an error in our pages, let us know at General comments should be posted in our reader discussion forum "The Fray" or our comments sections at the bottom of each article.

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