Corrections from the last week.

Corrections from the last week.

Corrections from the last week.

Slate's mistakes.
Sept. 4 2009 7:02 AM


In the Sept. 1 "Explainer," Michelle Tsai incorrectly used the term syndesmosis as a synonym for "high ankle sprain." It does not describe the injury but rather the part of the ankle that's injured. She also referred to "a UPI story about the 1983 college bowl playoffs." There are no playoffs in college football; the story was about an Iowa coach who argued that there should be.

In the Sept. 1 "Green Lantern" on cruise ships, Nina Shen Rastogi stated that the infrastructure to provide cruise ships with shore-based power was already in place in San Francisco and Los Angeles; these systems are still in the planning stages. She also miscalculated a carbon emissions figure: A round trip plane ride on a narrow-body jet from Miami to Grand Cayman would emit about 340 pounds of CO2 per passenger, not 312.3 pounds of CO2. The corrected piece further notes that under international law, bilge water must meet certain oil content standards and includes the caveat that most cruise ships have a standing policy not to dump untreated sewage anywhere.

In the Sept. 1 "Moneybox," Daniel Gross misspelled Barack Obama's first name.


In an Aug. 31 "TV Club" entry, John Swansburg misstated the location of Mad Men character Paul Kinsey's apartment: It is in Montclair, N.J., not Newark.

In the Aug. 28 " Prescriptions," Timothy Noah misspelled the name of a professor at the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration who writes frequently for the New Republic's health care blog, The Treatment. It's Harold Pollack, not Harold Pollock.

In the Aug. 28 " Transport," Tom Vanderbilt wrote incorrectly that NFL player Leonard Little missed just six football games after an alcohol-related 1998 crash that killed another driver, and racked up another DUI six years later. Little missed eight football games, and he was not convicted of driving while intoxicated in the later incident.

If you believe you have found an inaccuracy in a Slate story, please send an e-mail to, and we will investigate. General comments should be postedin "The Fray," our reader discussion forum..