Corrections from the last week.

Corrections from the last week.

Corrections from the last week.

Slate's mistakes.
Feb. 22 2008 10:51 AM


In the Feb. 20 "War Stories," Fred Kaplan attributed a budget estimate to the Congressional Research Service's Amy Belasco. In fact, it is from a Congressional Budget Office report that Belasco quoted from.

Due to an editing error, the headline for a Feb. 19 "Explainer" posed the question, "Why is art theft so common in the EU?" The column went on to mention heists in two cities that are not part of the European Union: Zurich and Oslo.


Due to an editing error, the Feb. 19 "Other Magazines" gave the wrong issue date for Texas Monthly. The noted articles are from the February 2008 issue, not the March 2008 issue.

Because of a rounding error in the Feb. 16 "Moneybox," Daniel Gross misstated how much retail office space could be vacant according to an expert's projection. The estimate of 159 million square feet is equivalent to 5.7 square miles, not 5.5 square miles as the story originally stated.

Due to an editing error, a Feb. 15 "Sports Nut" originally misidentified the writer of a blog post for the Sporting News. He is Chris, not Jamie, Mottram.

In the Feb. 14 "Explainer," Michelle Tsai incorrectly cited potassium nitrite instead of potassium nitrate as a fuel ingredient for homemade rockets.

In the Feb. 14 "Movies," Dana Stevens originally and incorrectly identified Stephen Glass as a plagiarist. The former journalist fabricated stories; he did not copy the work of others.

In the Feb. 14 "Spectator," Ron Rosenbaum stated that Jerome Zeifman believed the Kennedys wanted to keep Nixon in office so it would be easy for a liberal to defeat him in the 1976 election. Nixon wasn't eligible to run for president in 1976; Zeifman believed the Kennedys wanted to keep Nixon around so that the Republican candidate would be tainted by his record.

In the "Slate 60" published Feb. 11, our list of the largest annual charitable contributions of 2007 failed to include Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. Allen gave $46 million to the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, the Experience Music Project, the Science Fiction Museum, and other groups. He ranked No. 49 on the list.

In the Feb. 4 "Explainer," Michelle Tsai inaccurately described eligible voters in the latter half of the 19th century as white men who weren't convicted criminals. Black men became eligible to vote with the 14th and 15th Amendments, but they were effectively barred from exercising that right in the former Confederate states.

If you believe you have found an inaccuracy in a Slate story, please send an e-mail to, and we will investigate. General comments should be posted in "The Fray," our reader discussion forum.