Corrections from the past week.

Corrections from the past week.

Corrections from the past week.

Slate's mistakes.
Oct. 29 2004 12:32 PM


In an Oct. 22 "Summary Judgment," Ben Williams described The Dark Tower as running to 4,000 words. It is 4,000 pages long.


In an Oct. 22 "Swingers" column, Bryan Curtis incorrectly stated that Harry Truman, not Lyndon Johnson, was the last Democratic presidential candidate to carry Colorado before Bill Clinton in 1992.

In an Oct. 23 "Today's Papers" column, Hudson Morganoriginally stated that the Los Angeles Times led with a story about Mongolia. In fact, the lead item was a local story on a man suspected of being a serial killer. Also, this article incorrectly stated that a security firm defrauded the Coalition Provisional Authority by charging too much for a helicopter. In fact, the alleged overcharge was for a helicopter pad.

In an Oct. 26 "Summary Judgment," Ben Williams stated, "Perhaps that's why confirmed atheist Updike didn't enjoy Alter's translation." Because Updike is not a confirmed atheist, the editors removed that phrase.

In an Oct. 26 "Television" column, Dana Stevens wrote that in an episode of the series Gilmore Girls, the Edgar Allan Poe Society met at the Dragonfly Inn. In fact, the society met at the Independence Inn. She also misspelled Allen Ginsberg's name as "Allan Ginsburg" and wrote that Norman Mailer's son Stephen Mailer is the editor of High Times magazine. In fact, the magazine is edited by Mailer's son John. Stephen Mailer is an actor.


In an Oct. 27 "Faith-Based" article, Michael McGough identified Thomas Becket's murderers as "barons." They were knights.

In an Oct. 27 "Jurisprudence," Robert Weisberg and David Mills originally stated that there had been no domestic terror conviction since 9/11. This was an overstatement, since there have been some convictions under a questionable new law prohibiting Americans from offering "material support" to foreign-based terrorists. However, there has not been a single conviction for an act of domestic terrorism itself, including Richard Reid—who was convicted for an attack on a trans-Atlantic flight originating outside the United States.

In an Oct. 27 "Swingers," Julia Turner called West Allis a neighborhood in Milwaukee. It is a suburb of the city.

In an Oct. 28 "Best Policy" Prime Minister John Howard was misidentified as "Conservative Prime Minister John Howard" due to a copyediting error. Although Howard is indeed politically conservative, he leads Australia's Liberal Party.

In an Oct. 28 "Human Nature," William Saletan, Louisa Herron Thomas, and David Kenner described the CBS/New York Times likely voter test as unspecified. The failure to specify it was ours. CBS News has published an exemplary description of its likely voter screening methods here.

If you believe you have found an inaccuracy in a Slate story, please send an e-mail to, and we will investigate. General comments should be posted in "The Fray," our reader discussion forum.