The Disrupters podcast for May 13, 2010

The Disrupters podcast for May 13, 2010

The Disrupters podcast for May 13, 2010

A better way to read business.
May 13 2010 4:11 PM

Google vs. Apple, Microsoft vs. Google

The latest episode of The Big Money's Disrupters podcast.

The Big Money presents "The Disrupters," a new podcast that zeroes in on companies like Facebook, Google, Hulu, and Apple as they change the face of American business. Chadwick Matlin hosts. On this week's show, The Disrupters dwells on two Google wars: one with Apple over a new tablet and one with Microsoft over Office in the cloud. Tablets! Word processors! It's The Disrupters!

Listen using our audio player below or download the MP3.