Ask Jacob Weisberg anything: Slate’s chairman answers your questions on Reddit.

Slate’s Chairman Answers Questions on Reddit

Slate’s Chairman Answers Questions on Reddit

The inner workings of Slate.
Jan. 29 2014 1:19 PM

Ask Jacob Weisberg Anything

Slate’s chairman is answering your questions on Reddit.

I'm Jacob Weisberg and my job is chairman of The Slate Group. I've been with Slate since just after it began in 1996—for six years as a writer, for six as editor, and for nearly six in the vaguer boss role I have now. My own boss is Don Graham, who bought Slate from Microsoft in 2005. Contrary to popular belief, Slate didn't get sold to Jeff Bezos with the Washington Post last year—we remain part of the recently renamed Graham Holdings Company.

As a journalist, I've always written about politics, though I do so less regularly these days. My first book, In Defense of Government, was a kind of neoliberal answer the conservative ascendancy. My most recent book, The Bush Tragedy, tried to explain what went wrong with the George W. Bush Presidency by looking closely at 43's relationships, especially the one with his father. In a lighter vein, I coined the term "Bushisms" and collected five books of them over eight years.

The biggest part of my current job is developing Slate's business—making it one of the places where high-quality journalism can flourish and support itself financially. I'm happy to answer questions about Slate, about politics, about last night's State of the Union, or about whatever else is on your mind.
