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Dec. 16 2000 1:16 AM


The smartest take on the political scene … witty commentary on the latest in film, books, and culture … and a panoramic view of food, wine, and even sports … welcome to Slate.


The smartest take on the news … clever insight on the business and political scene … witty commentary on the latest in film, books, and culture … and a panoramic view of food, wine, technology, and even sports … welcome to Slate.

First, get your daily news fix. We summarize and digest the news from around the globe. Want to get the goods on what the major magazines are talking about this week? Need the latest scoop from the morning papers, whether American or international? Or, if you can't make it to the supermarket checkout line, we'll whisper to you the latest from the tabloids. We even summarize the national critics' reviews of the latest in books, music, and movies. We compile the most important information, so you can keep track of what's on the media's mind.

Then click to the heart of the matter: Slate's take on politics. Shut off the on-air pundits and log on to our roster of top reporters and analysts as they delineate and disseminate the trends and news at home and abroad with smarts, spark, and substance. From deconstructing political ads to examining campaign claims, from navigating through a policy war to exposing the Beltway's sacred cows … seasoned pros like William Saletan, Timothy Noah, Mickey Kaus, and Jacob Weisberg break down the wall of spin and bring you the behind-the-scenes story and analysis, all served with Slate's signature wit.

Slate also brings its trademark style to Art and Life. Our film criticism leaves the consumer protection of thumbs and grades behind and delves into the aesthetic heart of the matter. Join our "Book Club," where writers discuss the latest in print. Or start a letter with "Dear Prudence," which lifts the old advice column out of mothballs, imbuing it with a modern sensibility.

And Slate has features you could only find in an online publication. Our popular "Diary" gives readers daily journal entries from people in a wide variety of professions, from a convict to a political strategist to a rock star. In "Dialogues," you'll find experts engaged in the true give-and-take of political or cultural discussion, posting points and rebuttals throughout the week. Or take a seat at our "Breakfast Table," where experts pore over the news and spin of the day. 

And there's still more. Slate brings you financial analysis from Wall Street and beyond, thoughts on technology issues, and culture analysis with an attitude. And yes, we even find time to toss a few free throws with sports commentary written by fervent sports fans unlike any you'll find in the usual magazines. Whether it's politics or leisure—or the politics of leisure—we have an opinion, and we're eager to share it with you. Join us.

It's smart. It's savvy. It's Slate.