Letters from our readers.
May 15 1998 3:30 AM

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Stubble, Stubble, Toil and Trouble

It's interesting to read that Thomas Hine ("The Cutting Edge") found the Gillette Mach 3's performance to be stellar. About 10 years ago when the Sensor came out I had the singular good fortune to be at a pre-launch event where Sensors were handed out. I got two razors at the event, and they worked beautifully. In fact, they provided exceptionally close shaves for an extended period of time. More time, I might add, than any Sensor replacement cartridge I've purchased since. Of course, my face might have changed over time, but I'd ask Hine to evaluate the Mach 3 blades he buys over the counter in a few months to see if they shave as well.

--Dennis Doughty