Slate’s mistakes for the week of Sept. 4.

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of Sept. 4

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of Sept. 4

Slate's mistakes.
Sept. 8 2017 4:01 AM


Slate’s mistakes.

In a Sept. 8 War Stories, Fred Kaplan misstated that the New York Times reported that Russia created hundreds of thousands of fake Facebook and Twitter accounts. It was hundreds or thousands of accounts.

In a Sept. 7 Slatest, Joshua Keating misspelled former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s last name.


In a Sept. 6 Future Tense blog post, Jacob Brogan misidentified the origin of the name of the IBM supercomputer Watson. It’s named for former IBM chairman Thomas J. Watson, not the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle character.

In a Sept. 6 Slatest, Ben Mathis-Lilley misstated that Mother Jones broke a story about White House lawyer Ty Cobb. The story was broken by Business Insider.

A Sept. 5 Interrogation misidentified NYU professor Jessie Ford as male.

In a Sept. 5 Slatest, Ben Mathis-Lilley misspelled Sen. Lindsey Graham’s first name.

In a Sept. 5 Television, Laura Miller misidentified which Twin Peaks episode the shot of Agent Cooper’s superimposed face was from. It was “Part 17,” not “Part 16.”

Slate strives to correct all errors of fact. If you’ve seen an error in our pages, let us know at General comments should be posted in our Comments sections at the bottom of each article.