Slate’s mistakes for the week of March 20.

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of March 20

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of March 20

Slate's mistakes.
March 24 2017 4:03 AM


Slate’s mistakes.

In a March 24 Future Tense, Craig Hardgrove misstated that Lewis and Clark were to, among other things, look for railway passages. Their trip predated railroads, so that was not part of the mission.

In a March 23 Slatest, Joshua Keating misidentified former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych as Vladimir Yanukovych.


Due to an editing error, a March 23 Trials and Error misidentified Seth Williams as the former Philadelphia district attorney. He is still the Philadelphia DA.

In a March 22 Slatest, Josh Voorhees misstated that a Forbes article by Dan Alexander appeared in Fortune.

In a March 20 Brow Beat, Willa Paskin misspelled Michael Zegen’s last name and Michel Faber’s first name.

In a March 15 XX Factor, Christina Cauterucci misstated that the Marines in Teresa Fazio’s Rolling Stone story were trained by officers. That training would have been done by enlisted instructors.

Slate strives to correct all errors of fact. If you’ve seen an error in our pages, let us know at General comments should be posted in our Comments sections at the bottom of each article.