Slate’s mistakes for the week of Sept. 19.

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of Sept. 19

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of Sept. 19

Slate's mistakes.
Sept. 23 2016 4:06 AM


Slate’s mistakes.

In a Sept. 23 Jurisprudence, Kristen A. Carpenter and Angela R. Riley misstated that the $3.8 billion Dakota Access Pipeline would carry half a million gallons of crude oil per day to markets in Mexico. It would ultimately carry the oil to refineries along the Gulf of Mexico.

In a Sept. 23 Sports Nut, Bécquer Seguín misstated that Aaron Popkey is the Packers’ travel manager. He is the team’s director of public affairs and former travel manager.


In a Sept. 22 Behold, Jordan G. Teicher misstated the number of countries photographer Mustafah Abdulaziz has visited for his “Water” project. It is nine, not eight.

In a Sept. 22 Medical Examiner, Jon Kelvey misstated that mitragynine pseudoindoxyl is the active ingredient in Kratom. It is a semi-synthetic opioid derived from mitragynine, the active ingredient in Kratom.

In a headline for a Sept. 22 Moneybox blog post, Jordan Weissmann misstated that Hillary Clinton’s estate tax hike would be larger than Bernie Sanders’ version. It will not be.

Due to a production error, a Sept. 21 Culture Gabfest show page misspelled Audubon.


A Sept. 21 Future Tense blog post misstated the date of an event about the future of the election system. It is Oct. 5, not Nov. 5.

In a Sept. 21 Slatest, Jeremy Stahl misidentified the publisher of the Anthony Weiner story as a British tabloid and newspaper. is a U.S. website.

In a Sept. 20 Future Tense, Emily Tamkin misquoted artist Kate Nichols as saying, “Artists and craftsmen played a role in the emergence of science as experimental practice, as opposed to a text-based inquiry history.” She said, “text-based inquiry.” The article also originally misquoted two sentences in response to the question of “What’s next for you?” One incorrect sentence was removed, and the other was updated to remove the incorrect language.

In a Sept. 20 Next 20, Will Oremus misstated that widening satellite coverage was a factor in the development of cellphones. It was widening cellular coverage, not satellite coverage, that helped to make cellphones more appealing. Oremus also misidentified the 1996 Nokia phone featured in The Matrix as the 8810. It was the 8110.


In a Sept. 19 Slatest, Ben Mathis-Lilley misspelled Dahir Adan’s last name.

In a Sept. 19 Slatest Leon Neyfakh misspelled NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill’s last name.

In a Sept. 16 Atlas Obscura, Eric Grundhauser misspelled the name Frankenstein.

A Sept. 15 Future Tense blog post reprinted from Global Voices Advocacy misstated when a Russian man named Ruslan Sokolovsk was arrested for playing Pokémon Go in a cathedral and posting video of it. He was arrested in early September, not early August. The post also misstated that he was still in police custody; he is now under house arrest.

Slate strives to correct all errors of fact. If you’ve seen an error in our pages, let us know at General comments should be posted in our Comments sections at the bottom of each article.