Slate’s mistakes for the week of Feb. 29.

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of Feb. 29

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of Feb. 29

Slate's mistakes.
March 4 2016 4:04 AM


Slate’s mistakes.

In a March 4 Future Tense, Eric Hittinger misstated that the Electric Power Research Institute works for the utility industry. It is a nonprofit funded primarily by electric utilities.

Due to a photo provider error, a March 4 Politics’ photo caption misstated that Milford was in Iowa. It is in New Hampshire.


In a March 3 Future Tense blog post, Eric Holthaus included a graphic that had a data error originating with the data provider. That graphic has been replaced with an updated one

Due to an editing error, a Mar. 3 Outward misstated CDC projections of the number of new HIV infections PrEP could prevent in the U.S. by 2020 if testing and treatment levels remain unchanged. It is 48,000, not 17,000.

Due to an editing error, a March 2 Brow Beat misidentified The People v. O.J. Simpson as a network show. It’s a basic cable show.

In a March 2 Moneybox blog post, Daniel Gross misspelled author John Gartner’s last name.


In a March 2 Politics, Isaac Chotiner misidentified Marco Rubio as nonwhite. He is Hispanic.

In a March 2 Slatest, Mark Joseph Stern misstated in a photo caption that a pro-choice rally at the Supreme Court occurred on Tuesday. It occurred on Wednesday.

In a March 1 Bad Astronomy, Phil Plait misstated that the International Space Station is 500 kilometers above the Earth. It is 400 kilometers up.

In a March 1 Future Tense blog post, Will Oremus mischaracterized FBI Director James Comey’s response to a question about whether he had asked the NSA for help as “a pretty clear ‘no.’ ” His answer was a pretty clear “yes.”

In a March 1 Slatest, Ben Mathis-Lilley misstated that the removal of students from a Donald Trump event at Valdosta State University had been recorded on video; available videos recorded parts of the students’ interactions with law enforcement officials at the event but not the entire incident.

In a Feb. 29 Slatest, Ben Mathis-Lilley misspelled Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s last name.

Slate strives to correct all errors of fact. If you’ve seen an error in our pages, let us know at General comments should be posted in our Comments sections at the bottom of each article.