Slate's Mistakes for the Week of Dec. 26, 2011

Slate's Mistakes for the Week of Dec. 26, 2011

Slate's Mistakes for the Week of Dec. 26, 2011

Slate's mistakes.
Dec. 30 2011 7:01 AM


Slate's mistakes for the week of Dec. 26, 2011.

Red pen

Photograph by Gabriela Insuratelu.

In a Dec. 30 “Music Club,” Ann Powers misstated Lizzy Grant's surname as "Wright."

In the Dec. 29 "Assessment," Nathan Heller misspelled the name of the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark.

In a Dec. 29 "Movies," Dana Stevens mistakenly stated the year of Margaret Thatcher's leaving office as 1979. That was the year she assumed office. She left in 1990. Stevens also misspelled the first name of Denis Thatcher.

In the Dec. 29 "Television," Troy Patterson identified Homeland as appearing on HBO. It appears on Showtime.


In a Dec. 28 "Sports Nut," Dan Kois wrote that the Packers are offering stock for sale for the third time. Actually, this is the fifth time.

In a Dec. 27 "Moneybox," Matthew Yglesias originally described the MF Global brokerage as a hedge fund.

In a Dec. 27 "Politics," David Weigel originally described the Sacha Baron Cohen character Brüno as German. He is Austrian.

In a Dec. 27 “XX Factor” post, L.V. Anderson mistakenly identified Margaret Thatcher as a head of state. She was a head of government; the queen is the head of state of the United Kingdom.

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