A new Slate book.

A new Slate book.

A new Slate book.

The English language, Barackafied.
June 19 2008 2:54 PM

Introducing Obamamania!

A new Slate book and a daily dose of Obamaisms.


Since Slate first launched its Encyclopedia Baracktannica in February, more than 800 readers have written in with their own Obamaisms, from "Barack Ness Monster" to "Post-Baracalyptic." The best of these entries, along with Slate's original Obama neologisms, are collected in a new book: Obamamania! The English Language, Barackafied, available June 24.

In conjunction with the publication of the book, we will be publishing a new Obamaism every morning and adding it to the Obamamania widget below, which you can add to your Facebook or MySpace profile or Web site.

Today's Obamaism:

Obamalaise (oh-BAH-ma-LEYZ) n. The emotional hangover resulting from repeatedly watching "Yes We Can" montages.

Example: Though they are reluctant to criticize him publicly, aides blame will.i.am for the increasing Obamalaise in the You Tube-watching demographic.