Today's Undernews Alerts

Today's Undernews Alerts

Today's Undernews Alerts

A mostly political weblog.
April 3 2009 4:41 PM

Today's Undernews Alerts

Friday, April 3, 2009  

Undernews Alert: Big-Story- If -True Division: 1)  The NYT -ACORN  "game changer " story [ Now on O'Reilly -ed And even  Hot Air isn't quite convinced . Update: More here .]. ... I note that the reasons reporters give to sources for killing a story sometimes play to the sources' preexisting beliefs about press bias, and those reasons are sometimes not the real reasons the story was dropped. (It's easier to say "my editors are such Democrats" than "I'm not sure I believe you"). But would I be shocked if the Times chose not to pursue a story that might have damaged Obama? No. The allegation resonates with the  Raines/Torricelli spike incident. ... 2) Are there " side letters " proving "that AIG never intended to pay out on any of its [credit default swap] contracts"? ... 2:34 P.M.



When will elite right-wing opposition to the war in Afghanistan emerge in public? It's out there. ... Watch for the 'Bush avoided escalating this war because he knew it was a quagmire' meme. ...  2:33 P.M.
