Hang Up and Listen: The Live with Bob Costas Edition
Slate’s sports podcast on the Dolphins’ bullying scandal and New York’s WFAN sports radio. Plus: an interview with NBC’s Olympics host.
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In this week’s special live edition of Slate’s sports podcast Hang Up and Listen, Stefan Fatsis, Josh Levin, and Mike Pesca talk about the latest developments in the Jonathan Martin/Richie Incognito imbroglio and whether the culture of hyper-masculine macho tough-guy warrior bullshit is to blame. They also discuss New York’s sports radio 66, WFAN and the state of sports talk in 2013. Finally, they welcome Bob Costas for a conversation about his broadcasting career, role as NBC’s Olympics host, and his recent Sunday Night Football commentaries on gun control and the not-so-awesome nickname of the Washington football team. Costas also answered an audience member’s question about whether he’d advise parents to let their sons play football.
Here are links to some of the articles and other items mentioned on the show:
- Richie Incognito’s interview with Fox’s Jay Glazer.
- Josh’s Slate story on why the Miami Dolphins sided with the bully and not his victim.
- Brian Phillips’ Grantland piece on football’s terrible warrior culture.
- Nick Paumgarten’s New Yorker profile of Mike and the Mad Dog.
- Grantland’s oral history of WFAN.
- The Keith Olbermann/WFAN feud.
- Bob Costas’ NBC biography.
- Costas’ commentaries on gun control and the Washington football team.
Hang Up and Listen’s weekly afterballs:
Mike’s afterball: A fine-grained analysis of New York basketball loyalty.
Stefan’s afterball: A dramatic reading from The Tragedy of King James the First.
Josh’s afterball: Frenchy Bordagaray and the history of facial hair in baseball.
Podcast production and edit by Mike Vuolo. Links compiled by Casey Butterly.
You can email us at hangup@slate.com.