Hurricane Isaac’s Devastation
Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images.
Hurricane Isaac battered New Orleans and the surrounding region, flooding homes and driving stormy waters over the top of at least one levee, seven years to the day after Katrina devastated the city. Here, Ruffin Henry and Scout the dog swim in the rising water of Lake Pontchartrain as Hurricane Isaac approaches New Orleans.
Related Coverage: Isaac's Waters "Overtop" Local Levee Outside of New Orleans
Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images.
A group of men sit on a bench at the edge of Lake Pontchartrain as Hurricane Isaac approaches New Orleans.
Frederic J. Brown/AFP/GettyImages.
An uprooted tree falls in front of a house in New Orleans on Wednesday.
Frederic J. Brown/AFP/Getty Images.
A fallen streetlight sits in a puddle of water in downtown New Orleans.
Photo by John Moore/Getty Images.
A pedestrian walks through the rain of Hurricane Isaac in New Orleans. The Category 1 hurricane is slowly moving across southeast Louisiana, packing vicious winds of 80 mph and knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of people.
Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images.
A tree is blown over outside Tulane Medical Center on Wednesday.
Photo by John Moore/Getty Images.
Water rises from a bayou, flooding properties ahead of the arrival of Hurricane Isaac on Wednesday in Bay St. Louis, Miss. Many residents of the area decided to stay in their homes instead of evacuate for the Category 1 hurricane.
Photo by John Moore/Getty Images.
A traffic light glows red after being downed by Hurricane Isaac's winds on Wednesday in New Orleans.
Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images.
Two people pose for a photograph near Lake Pontchartrain as Hurricane Isaac approaches New Orleans on Tuesday.
Photo by Thony Belizaire/AFP/Getty Images.
Haitians living in a tent camp wait out Tropical Storm Isaac as it barrels through Port-au-Prince on Saturday. Forecasters earlier said Isaac was near hurricane strength when the eye of the storm passed over Haiti, where hundreds of thousands of people are still living in squalid makeshift camps after the catastrophic 2010 earthquake.
Photo by STR/AFP/Getty Images.
A man takes a picture of the waves in Gibara, Cuba, on Saturday.
Related Coverage: Isaac's Waters "Overtop" Local Levee Outside of New Orleans