The Slate Quiz with quizmaster Ken Jennings: Play the news quiz for the week of June 14.

Think You’re Smarter Than the Editor of the Slatest? Find Out With This Week’s News Quiz.

Think You’re Smarter Than the Editor of the Slatest? Find Out With This Week’s News Quiz.

Test your knowledge of the week’s news.
June 14 2013 5:37 AM

Play the Slate News Quiz

With Jeopardy! superchampion Ken Jennings.

Welcome back to Slate’s weekly news quiz. I’m your host, 74-time Jeopardy! winner Ken Jennings.

Every Friday I’ll be testing your knowledge with 12 challenging questions on the week’s news events, big and small, including happenings in science, sports, politics, and culture both high and low. The questions are multiple-choice, and time is of the essence: You have 30 seconds to answer, and as the seconds tick away, the question’s point value drops from 50 all the way down to zero, so you’ll want to click on your answer as fast as you possibly can. There’s no penalty for an incorrect answer, so feel free to take a guess if your puny human brain fails you.

At the end of the quiz, you’ll be able to compare your score with that of the average contestant, as well as to the score of a Slate staffer whom I’ve talked into taking the quiz on the record. This week’s contestant is Josh Voorhees, editor of The Slatest.


Think you can ace my quiz and beat Voorhees? Good luck!

The nice thing about taking a news quiz online nowadays is that the American government knows your score even before you do! Please don't miss any of the easy ones this week, or you may raise a few eyebrows at Fort Meade.

Question 1 of 12

On Tuesday, a suicide bomber killed 14 people in the second recent attack on Marjeh Square, a busy commercial district in what city?

Question 2 of 12

The initial Guardian reports on NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden emphasized that, surprisingly, he had never done what?

Snowden has a GED in lieu of a high school diploma.

Question 3 of 12

The state of New Hampshire took what official action toward Zebulon Gardner, Cipio Hubbard, Kittindge Tuckerman, and 11 other men last week?

The slaves had petitioned the state for freedom back in 1779, but the request was lost for two centuries. Governor Maggie Hassan granted it posthumously last Friday.

Question 4 of 12

Who described herself as a "pantsuit aficionado" this week?

The list of credentials in Clinton's bio ends with a coy "TBD," teasing a possible 2016 presidential run.

Question 5 of 12

In the face of the protests in Turkey, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan steamed last week that "the thing that is called" what "is the biggest trouble for society right now"?

Twitter and Facebook continue to be the opposition's most successful path around Turkey's government-controlled media.

Question 6 of 12

Last week, Texas actress Shannon Richardson, who has appeared on TV's The Walking Dead and The Vampire Diaries, confessed to what crime?

According to investigators, Richardson's plan was to frame her husband for the letters she sent to President Obama, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and a gun control group.

Question 7 of 12

PRISM, the name of the National Security Agency's secret surveillance tool, has long been a U.S. intelligence acronym standing for what?

Question 8 of 12

In a memo leaked this week from a private meeting, a leader was quoted as saying that "the 'gay lobby' is mentioned, and it is true, it is there. ... We need to see what we can do." Where is this so-called "gay lobby"?

Pope Francis seemed to confirm rumors of a group of influential gay prelates in an audience with a Latin American Catholic organization.

Question 9 of 12

An Austin, Texas-based candy company told the Los Angeles Times last week that it has finally perfected a lollipop that tastes like what?

The (vegan) treats don't actually contain any breast milk, but several lactating moms made ongoing donations until the Lollyphile labs could "candify" the taste accurately.

Question 10 of 12

Which of these major world rivers reached a record-high level of 29 feet Monday, threatening to flood at least one national capital?

Tens of thousands have fled their homes in Central Europe due to the flooding, but Budapest's dams held, saving the city.

Question 11 of 12

What three people has China sent to spend the next two weeks at Tiangong, or "Heavenly Palace"?

Tiangong-1 is China's experimental space station module in low Earth orbit. The manned Shenzhou 10 spacecraft will stay docked at Tiangong until late June.

Question 12 of 12

Speaking to the Knesset last week on prison smuggling, Israel's education minister erupted into a two-minute-27-second giggling fit over what word?

Shai Piron, a rabbi, finally gave up on the speech and had Israel's welfare minister complete it for him.

You got 8 out of 12 answers correct in 20 minutes 30 seconds.

Click to revisit answers

Final Score
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50 points



June 14, 2013

Anonymous User

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Josh Voorhees

editor of The Slatest






Received a security clearance

Graduated high school

Used email

Annuled their marriages to the same woman

Named them "Official State A Capella Group"

Emancipated them from slavery

Jailed them for overdue library books

Barbara Walters, at a retirement party

Hillary Clinton, in her new Twitter bio

Nancy Pelosi, on The Daily Show

Lyudmila Putin, in her OkCupid profile


Social media

Western culture

Human rights

Running an escort service out of a Honda minivan

Sending ricin-laced letters to the White House

Removing breast implants without a medical license

Burning down four taxidermy shops

Planning Tool for Resource Integration, Synchronization, and Management

Primary Repository for Information System Monitoring

Pattern-Recognition Investigation of Security Messaging

Privacy Really Isn't So Meaningful

The Vatican

The Defense Department

The Boy Scouts of America

Radio City Music Hall during intermission at the Tonys



Cat food

Breast milk

The Nile

The Ganges

The Volga

The Danube


Its greatest chefs

A North Korean trade delegation

Political prisoners






0 points


0 points

Josh Voorhees
editor of The Slatest

0 points

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