From Sam Adams to Bayerischer Bahnholf Leipziger Gose
500 beers. One vast chart.
Here’s one for the beer snobs: Pop Chart Lab, makers of this chart for pasta snobs, has released a sprawling map of beers from the familiar Sam Adams to the slightly less pronounceable Kostritzer Schwarbier, Schneider Aventinus Weisen-Eisbock, and Bayerischer Bahnholf Leipziger Gose. The chart organizes all drinks by brew category and connects each category to its proper drinking vessels (solo cup, snifter, beer boot) at the bottom of the chart. How many of these beers can you drink before you kick the bucket? How many can you even find in your state?
Double-click to zoom. Click and drag to pan.
Chart published with permission. Get it here.