Doonesbury's 200 Greatest Moments
The funniest, strangest, and most dramatic moments in Garry Trudeau's classic comic strip.
Read David Plotz's interview with Garry Trudeau. See Slate's complete coverage of Doonesbury's 40th anniversary.

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of G.B. Trudeau's Doonesbury, Slate and invite you to enter the feature's 14,600-strip archive and wander to your heart's content. For the next two weeks this vast labyrinth of storytelling and interconnected lives, a chronicle of popular culture and politics, is open to all comers. To help you get started, we've provided some 200 points of entry. Be sure to bring a flashlight and some snacks.
Oct. 26, 1970: The first Doonesbury strip.
Nov. 19, 1970: First appearance of Mark Slackmeyer.
Dec. 22, 1970: "Even revolutionaries like chocolate chip cookies."
Feb. 22, 1971: First appearance of Bernie, and morphing.
Mar. 21, 1971: First Sunday strip.
Apr. 4, 1971: Mark: "I'm Jewish."
Apr. 5, 1971: Mike starts tutoring Rufus.
Jun. 18, 1971: B.D. at ROTC summer camp.
Jun. 27. 1971: On the road.
Sept. 15, 1971: First appearance of Boopsie.
Sept. 21, 1971: First appearance of Zonker.
Oct. 21, 1971: John Kerry series.
Nov. 3, 1971: On The Greening of America.
Jan. 13, 1972: B.D. volunteers for Vietnam.
Feb. 16, 1972: Captured by Phred the Terrorist.
Apr. 19, 1972: Walden Commune.
Apr. 24, 1972: The naming of the puddle.
Sept. 11, 1972: Mike and B.D. pick up hitchhiker Joanie Caucus.
Nov. 12, 1972: The tale of Douglas.
May 29, 1973: "That's guilty! Guilty, guilty, guilty!"
Sept. 17, 1973: "Well, John, how's the cover-up going?"
Nov. 10, 1973: Series on secret bombing of Cambodia.
Dec. 13, 1973: "It's a baby woman!"
Feb. 14, 1974: The Energy Czar.
Feb. 21, 1974: "Dare to be great, Ms. Caucus."
Mar. 19, 1974: Z on cover of Time: "Sex! Sex and peyote!"
May 30, 1974: Joanie accepted into law school.
Jul. 21, 1974: "Look, honey, a student activist!"
Aug. 19, 1974: Joanie meets Ginny, and Clyde.
Dec. 23, 1974: First appearance of Uncle Duke.
Jan. 9, 1975: Duke writes for Rolling Stone.
Mar. 23, 1975: The plant-yakker.
May 7, 1975: Vietnamese orphan Kim Rosenthal adopted.
May 31, 1975: The last days of Saigon.
Jul. 21, 1975: First appearance of Nate and Amy Harris.
Dec. 21, 1975: Christmas greetings.
Jan. 21, 1976: Ambassador Duke arrives in China.
Jan. 22, 1976: First appearance of Honey Huan.
Jan. 27, 1976: Joanie meets Andy Lippincott.
Feb. 8, 1976: Alice Schwartzman and "Bonker" at the bar.
Mar. 8, 1976: The Patty Hearst trial.
Mar. 20, 1976: Andy joins the Virginia Slade campaign.
May 24, 1976: Jerry Brown gubernatorial campaign.
Jul. 4, 1976: "You mean, Jefferson sold us out?"
Jul. 6, 1976: Congressman Ventura sex scandal.
Jan. 12, 1977: Rick goes to work at People.
May 21, 1977: Joanie graduates from law school.
Jul. 10, 1977: "This one's for Feedback."
Aug. 15, 1977: Among the young Republicans.
Nov. 20, 1977: Busted.
Jul. 27, 1978: Studio 54.
Sep. 4, 1978: Boopsie goes to Graceland.
Sep. 11, 1978: Duke as manager of the Washington Redskins.
Oct. 9, 1978: Camp David Accords.
Nov. 27, 1978: Understanding the 70s.
Jan. 4, 1979: Honey in Henry Kissinger seminar.
Jan. 8, 1979: "Senator and Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor."
Feb. 2, 1979: The Liberal Cult.
Mar. 5, 1979: Duke testifies on behalf of the NRA.
Apr. 23, 1979: Jerry Brown press conference.
May 14, 1979: Mellowspeak, by Dr. Dan Asher.
May 27, 1979: Commencement address.
May 28, 1979: Boopsie poses for Playboy.
Jul. 23, 1979: David Halberstam interviews Rick.
Sep. 10, 1979: First appearance of J.J.
Oct. 1, 1979: Henry Kissinger: The Whitewash Years.
Oct. 8, 1979: Honey and J.J. become roommates.
Dec. 3, 1979: "Fin de Decade" party.
Jan. 3, 1980: The book on Duke.
Jan. 23, 1980: Re. Ted Kennedy: "We need a verb, Senator."
May 18, 1980: Wait a minute, Mr. Postman.
Jun. 15, 1980: He came to tan.
Oct. 25, 1980: "The Mysterious World of Reagan's Brain."
Feb. 8, 1981: Christmas thank-you note.
Jun. 18, 1981: Joanie and Rick marry.
Jun. 28, 1981: Solidarity.
Aug. 3, 1981: Vietnam Vets counselor Skip Willis.
Aug. 11, 1981: Duke shoots Brenner.
Jan. 25, 1982: Morale problems at the EPA.
Apr. 26, 1982: The wreck of the Rusty Nail.
May. 17, 1982: What the doctor said.
Sep. 6, 1982: Joanie as Lacey's campaign manager.
Sep. 20, 1982: Zonker's first job interview.
Nov. 15, 1982: Sid Kibbutz in action.
Dec. 13, 1982: Buying a computer.
Sep. 30, 1984: Return from Sabbatical.
Oct. 11, 1984: Selling Reagan to black voters.
Oct. 22, 1984: The Reagan White House.
Jan. 2, 1985: Alice buried in snow (take one).
Jan. 27, 1985: "Teaching is dead."
Mar. 4, 1985: Jimmy T. helps record "We Are the World."
May 20, 1985: Alice and Elmont marry in bus station.
Jul. 30, 1985: Marcia Feinbloom ends her search for Mr. Right.
Aug. 29, 1985: J.J. and the shards of the American dream.
Jan. 19, 1986: RSVP.
Nov. 6, 1986: Dick Davenport dies.
Feb. 22, 1987: The entire Constitution on a cereal box wrapper.
Mar. 8, 1987: Another Sunday morning.
Mar. 22, 1987: Sinatra biography.
Apr. 27, 1987: Ron Headrest.
Apr. 27, 1988: Mike and Nichole almost begin affair.
Jun. 18, 1988: Snow White.
Aug. 14, 1988: Roger Rabbit.
Jan. 2, 1989: The coming of Nanny Zonker.
Apr. 19, 1989: Mike dreams up Mr. Butts.
May 7, 1989: Assault rifles.
Nov. 5, 1989: Mark's Konundrum Korner.
Dec. 11, 1989: Eighties Revival Party.
May 24, 1990: Andy Lippincott dies.
Sep. 2, 1990: Boopsie bids farewell to Hunk-Ra.
Dec. 10, 1990: Desert Shield.
Feb. 4, 1991: Ka-boom!
Feb. 24, 1991: Smart bomb.
Mar. 10, 1991: Briefing.
Mar. 20, 1991: "Welcome to Club Scud!"
Sep. 29, 1991: Coup by supporting characters.
Nov. 11, 1991: Doonesbury organizational chart.
Jan. 6, 1992: Unemployed.
Jan. 27, 1992: The rhetoric behind the sound bites.
Feb. 10, 1992: Trash for Cash.
Apr. 20, 1992: The coming of Samantha.
May 31, 1992: Jimmy Thudpucker's 10-Step Career Trajectory.
Jun. 1, 1992: The many lives of Barbara Ann Boopstein.
Jun. 8, 1992: "I'm my parents!"
Jun. 22, 1992: USA Today.
Jul. 12, 1992: Geraldo Riveribus.
Sep. 7, 1992: Family Values check.
Dec. 28, 1992: The ol' mail silo.
Aug. 1, 1993: Production values.
Feb. 9, 1993: Aid for those with AIDS.
Nov. 28, 1993: Beavis and Butthead.
Jan. 24, 1994: Whitewatergate.
Feb. 5, 1994: Alice buried in snow (take two).
Aug. 15, 1994: By the time they got to Woodstock.
Sep. 4, 1994: Where do all the ideas come from?
Jan. 22, 1995: Team Doonesbury: The O.J. Specialists.
Jun. 24, 1995: Duke with a hooker.
Oct. 15, 1995: The Earl of Duke.
Nov. 13, 1995: Mark's imaginary lover.
Feb. 5, 1996: Mike and Kim meet.
Mar. 19, 1996: "Bugchecking is brutally cool!"
Jun. 24, 1996: Back in the Nam.
Nov. 4, 1996: The Mark and Chase show.
Jan. 26, 1997: Ah youth.
May 1, 1997: Mike and Kim's wedding.
Feb. 9, 1998: Clinton's problems.
Aug. 10, 1998: Lacey Davenport dies.
Feb. 8, 1999: Impeachment trial.
Aug. 23, 1999: Walden redux.
Nov. 16, 1999: IPO.
Jan. 3, 2000: The old mail silo.
Jan. 23, 2000: Bill and Al.
Feb. 14, 2000: The flag thing.
Apr. 24, 2000: Business plan.
Feb. 17, 2000: "Join the Duke2000 campaign!"
Sept. 24, 2000: Bushisms.
Mar. 8, 2001: Clinton and Krispy Kremes.
Jul. 30, 2001: Deputy Secretary for the Interior Jim Andrews.
Aug. 6, 2001: Flaws.
Sept. 17, 2001: The hoax.
Oct. 1, 2001: Everything's changed.
Nov. 18, 2001: "Thanks, evildoers!"
Jan. 27, 2002: Mr. Jay.
Feb. 10, 2002: FDR quote.
Mar. 3, 2002: "Got war?"
Apr. 8, 2002: Phil Slackmeyer, RIP.
Apr. 22, 2002: Tea with a trainee martyr.
Apr. 29, 2002: At a West Bank café.
Feb. 10, 2003: Pre-positioning for Iraq war.
Apr. 13, 2003: Helmet-in-chief.
Jul. 20, 2003: Starbucks Sunday.
Feb. 23, 2004: $10,000 reward.
Apr. 19, 2004: B.D. wounded in Iraq.
Aug. 23, 2004: "Thanks for your sacrifice, dude."
Sep. 13, 2004: Ask President Bush.
Mar. 7, 2005: Hunter S. Thompson tribute.
Dec. 12, 2005: B.D. reconnoiters Vet Center.
Dec. 14, 2005: First appearance of Elias.
Mar. 27, 2006: The Saddam-Al Qaeda connection.
Jun. 25, 2006: Catching up.
Aug. 20, 2006: Mike's Summer Daydream.
Nov. 20, 2006: Ethics class.
Mar. 26, 2007: First appearance of Mel.
Sep. 4, 2007: Over-connected.
Nov. 26, 2007: First appearance of Toggle.
Jan. 28, 2008: Toggle arrives at Andrews.
Feb. 25, 2008: The Poetry of Barack Obama.
Apr. 7, 2008: If we cut and run.
Feb. 23, 2009: The uh-oh moment.
Mar. 30, 2009: In Helmand Province.
May 25, 2009: "Okay, so how do I do this?"
Aug. 3, 2009: The Family.
Dec. 21, 2009: "I'm sick of defending him!"
Feb. 8, 2010: Horndogs for lunch.
Feb. 22, 2010: Security detail.
Apr. 26, 2010: Tea Party.
Jul. 12, 2010: The big handoff.
Jul. 25, 2010: The competition.
Aug. 15, 2010: The maverick thing.
Sep. 12, 2010: The legend of Sorkh Razil.