Future Tense

Futurography Newsletter: What’s Ahead in 2017

cyber security.
Watch out!


Hello, Futurographers,

It’s December and—you may have noticed—we’re not running a new Futurography course this month. Never fear, though: We’ll be back in January to celebrate the 199th anniversary of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, looking at the ways the book has changed the ways we think about scientific advances. We’ll be featuring discussions of bioethics, the language of scientific innovation, and maybe even why our monsters have gotten so much sexier than they used to be. Stay tuned: It’ll be fun.

And that’s not all! In February, we’re planning our most practical unit yet—a series on self-defense against cybercrime. Then in March, we’ll be blasting back toward the stars with a course on the new space race. And in April we’ll be taking on synthetic biology. We hope you’ll continue to follow along.

In the meantime, this is the perfect moment to revisit our recently concluded course on internet governance. Here’s what we published in November:

Once you’ve worked through all of that, test what you’ve learned against our quiz about internet governance. And then find out what your fellow Slate readers think in our write-up of our survey on the topic.

Setting up my VPN,

Jacob Brogan

for Future Tense

Future Tense is a partnership of Slate, New America, and Arizona State University.