Brow Beat

Saturday Night Live Visits Kellyanne Conway, Who Is Living in the Sewer Now

Kellyanne Conway may not be commanding headlines these days the way she did at the height of Trump’s presidential campaign, but it’s not for lack of trying, as this It-themed Saturday Night Live short reveals. While it’s no surprise to find a member of the Trump administration living in the sewer, and no surprise to see a member of the Trump administration smile to reveal multiple rows of horrifying needle-like teeth, and no surprise to see a member of the Trump administration rip and tear human flesh off the bone with a desperate hunger, as though the very act of consuming another person would somehow fill the void where their souls used to be, and no surprise to see a member of the Trump administration howl in frustration at the discovery that no mere food can provide spiritual sustenance, not even the flesh of one’s enemies, and I’m sorry, what were we talking about again?

Pennywise the Dancing Clown is the least flattering fictional Kellyanne Conway on Saturday Night Live yet. Kate McKinnon previously played her as Chicago’s Roxie Hart and Fatal Attraction’s Alex Forrest, and while neither character is exactly a role model, it’s also true that neither character is an interdimensional spider-creature that feeds on children’s fear. It’s too early to declare that Saturday Night Live is finally beginning to reckon with the interdimensional fear-eating spider creatures devouring the country, but this is definitely a step in the right direction. Which means they’re probably going to let Trump host again, just to even out the scales.