Brow Beat

This Trailer for It Invites You to a Clown-Filled Wonderland!

Clowns! Champions of the circus, masters of the midway, kings of the kiddie shows, barons of the birthday party, these beloved pranksters have been filling our hearts with joy since the first caveman painted his face a ghastly white in order to lure children into the sewers. Everyone loves clowns! But is there a way to make these hilarious harlequins even more adorable? That’s the question the latest trailer for It asks, and the answer is a resounding “Yes!”

While earlier trailers for Andrés Muschietti’s adaptation of Stephen King’s cheerful romp through backwoods Maine emphasized other treasured parts of childhood like arts and crafts or friendship, this time it’s all about the clowns—I counted 28, not including the one behind you. So cook up some cotton candy, crank up the Calliope music, and get ready to laugh! Or float.