Brow Beat

The Best of @ArtHouseTrump, Which Imagines Trump’s Takes on Highbrow Cinema

Black and white? I heard Scorsese couldn’t even afford color! Sad.

Ron Jenkins/Getty Images

What does Donald Trump think of the films of acclaimed Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa? It’s the question nobody was asking this election season, but luckily for us, Twitter user ArtHouseTrump has gamely stepped in to provide an answer anyway. The parody account imagines art films and highbrow cinema as reviewed by the Republican nominee, in the vein of #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots.

We picked out the best of the bunch, below, so read on to find out what Trump might have to say about Rashomon and Breathless. He even offers up a (not-so-surprising) recommendation.

He might be the only reviewer who doesn’t love Damien Chazelle’s musical romance.

Ditto for Natalie Portman’s widely praised performance in Jackie, which recently premiered at the Venice Film Festival.

But contemporary films aren’t the only ones to draw Trump’s ire:

It’s not all negative, though, since Trump has such good friends to watch movies with.

And once in a while, he even makes a fair point