Dear Prudence

Dear Prudence: The “Invisible Girl” Edition

I left home because I was being treated unfairly, but I still miss my family. Help!

Prudence is joined this week by Pulitzer Prize–winning author Jennifer Egan, whose latest book is Manhattan Beach. They take on letters about what to expect from bosses when you have abusive co-workers, how to deal with depression after having multiple miscarriages, and how to keep your family in your life after you’ve had to leave home.

Slate Plus members will hear Prudie and Jennifer discuss an additional letter about how to talk to your sisters after years of unkindness and teasing.

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Access to the full Dear Prudence podcast is available exclusively to Slate Plus members. Learn more and listen to previous episodes at

Got a question for Prudie? Send it to Or leave a voicemail message at 401-371-DEAR (3327), and you may hear your question answered on a future episode of the show.

Read Prudie’s Slate columns here. Production by Max Jacobs.