The Angle

The Angle: Brexwhat? Edition

Slate’s daily newsletter on Trump’s invisible campaign, the future of the 4-point line, and explaining Brexit.

“The Kingdome of Great Britain and Ireland,” John Speed, 1676.

David Rumsey Map Collection

After Donald Trump fired his campaign manager on Monday, Jamelle Bouie writes, the big news wasn’t the fact that the ship now has no captain, but rather the total dilapidation of the vessel. “To suggest the Trump campaign is hurt by Corey Lewandowski’s departure is to assume a campaign exists,” Bouie observes. “The truth is, there is no Donald Trump campaign.”

On Thursday, U.K. citizens will vote in a referendum to determine whether to leave the European Union. Jordan Weissmann is here to explain the Brexit, from the xenophobic ads and Twitter memes to the actual numbers behind the argument. And June Thomas tells us which British celebrities are campaigning for Leave and which are for Remain.

Stop making second-wave feminism your scapegoat for all ills, writes Laura Miller. “Second-wave feminism had plenty of flaws, without a doubt, but it was an impressively diverse movement,” Miller argues; lumping all second-wavers in with Betty Friedan does them a disservice. “Many radicals from other parts of the ’70s left leveled legitimate criticism at the movement’s failings,” Miller writes. “But much of what the second wave accomplished or helped to accomplish now seems as if it has always existed. It hasn’t.”

Using data about shot attempts, Jordan Ellenberg and Josh Levin argue that the NBA should institute a 4-point line—or maybe do something even more innovative. “What if we didn’t paint arbitrary lines on the court at all?” Ellenberg and Levin ask. “What if the number of points a basket was worth was a continuous function of the distance from the hoop?” (Whooooooaaaa.)

Bittersweet: J. Bryan Lowder has been in Orlando, where he attended the funeral of one of the Pulse shooting victims and found people devising creative methods to protect mourners from protestors.

Impressive wings,
