Is It Too Soon for a Jonah Lehrer Rehabilitation?

Is It Too Soon for a Jonah Lehrer Rehabilitation?

Is It Too Soon for a Jonah Lehrer Rehabilitation?

Conversations With Fascinating People.
Aug. 18 2012 7:45 AM

Michael C. Moynihan: Is It Too Soon for a Jonah Lehrer Rehabilitation?

Jonah Lehrer, who left the New Yorker last month after admitting to fabricating Bob Dylan quotes, may be on the verge of rehabilitation. Last week Wired magazine said Lehrer would remain on contract as a feature writer (though it then qualified that, saying the jury was still out on whether his byline would appear again). I asked Michael C. Moynihan, whose detective work had originally unearthed Lehrer’s fabrications, how he reacted to the news from Wired. His answer was NSFW:  

You can watch the whole conversation on BhTV.


Follow Robert Wright on Twitter: @robertwrighter

Robert Wright is a senior fellow at the New America Foundation. Follow him on Twitter.