The Slatest

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Called Trump a Moron Two Days Ago

Beatrice Fihn, executive director of the nuclear disarmament group ICAN.

AFP/Getty Images

The awarding of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize to the International Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons was widely interpreted as a signal to the Donald Trump administration, despite the Norwegian Nobel Committee chairwoman insisting that “we’re not kicking anyone in the legs.” ICAN’s executive director, Beatrice Fihn, was less subtle two days earlier on Twitter:

Unlike other people who may have recently called Trump a moron, there’s not much ambiguity there!

This raises the question, are there any Nobel Peace Prize winners who like Trump? Malala Yousafzai has criticized him. I think we can assume Barack Obama and Al Gore aren’t fans. Henry Kissinger, one of the prize’s most controversial winners, has mastered the art of giving Trump and his family extremely uncomplimentary compliments.

Last year’s winner, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, seems to get along with Trump pretty well, though they’ve had their differences. But the Nobel laureate most likely to rock a MAGA hat is undoubtedly Polish Solidarity leader and later President Lech Walesa who appeared on stage with Trump in Warsaw in July and at one point jokingly (I think) took credit for inspiring Trump to run.