Obama gay-marriage memes: The best Vines and GIFs capturing Obama's swagger during this historic week of Supreme Court rulings.

Here Are the Best Memes That Capture Obama’s Swagger During This Historic Week

Here Are the Best Memes That Capture Obama’s Swagger During This Historic Week

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Slate's Culture Blog
June 26 2015 3:15 PM

Here Are the Best Memes That Capture Obama’s Swagger During This Historic Week


Barack Obama must be feeling pretty good about the change under his “lame duck” presidency this week. On Thursday, he scored a major victory when the Supreme Court upheld the subsidies in his healthcare reform bill. On Monday, the governor of South Carolina finally called for the removal of the Confederate flag at the state capitol. And on Friday, the Supreme Court ruled against gay marriage bans. To celebrate this momentous week, clever folks across social media have been channeling their excitement into memes of Obama with rainbows, eagles, and ... unicorns? We’ll keep this page updated with the best of the bunch:

Of course, not all of the memes are about Obama: