Why Argentina Should Default ... Again
Slate Money on Amazon’s new phone, the effect of the crisis in Iraq on the oil market, and Argentina’s loss at the Supreme Court.

Listen to Episode 7 of Slate Money:
On this week’s episode of Slate Money, Felix Salmon of Fusion, Cathy O'Neil of Mathbabe.org, and Slate's Jordan Weissmann discuss Amazon's new smartphone: Will people pay for the privilege of easier shopping? They argue over how climate change and impending civil war in Iraq will (or won't) affect the oil market. And they explain the implications of the Supreme Court’s decision about what Argentina still owes hedge funds, 13 years after default.
Slate Money will appear every Saturday in the Slate Daily Podcast and its own feed (links above)
Email: slatemoney@slate.com
Twitter: @felixsalmon, @JHWeissmann, @mathbabedotorg