Mad Men best lines: Slate’s TV Club writers pick their favorite zingers of the week.

What Was the Best Mad Men Zinger This Week? Vote Now.

What Was the Best Mad Men Zinger This Week? Vote Now.

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May 21 2015 2:18 PM

Mad Men Zinger of the Week: “Person to Person”

Slate’s TV Club writers pick their favorite Mad Men lines of the episode.

Elisabeth Moss as Peggy Olson in the Mad Men series finale
Elisabeth Moss as Peggy Olson in the Mad Men series finale.

Courtesy of Michael Yarish/AMC

In any given episode of Mad Men, the only thing more likely to come out of a character’s mouth than the trailing smoke of a Lucky Strike cigarette is a witty one-liner.

As we enter the final days of Sterling Cooper & Partners, Slate’s TV Club will celebrate the show’s retorts and rejoinders by highlighting a Mad Men Zinger of the Week for Slate Plus.

Agree with Julia? Disagree with John? Vote below, and if we missed your favorite, let us know in the comments.

Last week’s most popular Mad Men Zinger of the Week was John’s pick, which was Betty’s line, “He would die.” Hanna is still currently in the lead. John is currently in second place.

Julia’s pick for Episode 7


Peggy: [Takes frazzled sip of Bloody Mary.]

Julia’s reaction: Some of the zingiest zings in this show were wordless. Peggy’s discomfiture after Joan makes her offer of partnership made me laugh out loud.

Hanna’s pick for Episode 7


Marie: “Look at them. One day, that will be us.”
Roger: “Yeah. Tomorrow.”

Hanna’s reaction: It’s the last episode. What can I say? Nobody quips like Roger does. He would have been a Twitter sensation. I will miss him.

John’s pick for Episode 7


Stan: “I said the opposite.”

John’s reaction: This is Stan, to Peggy, who has somehow twisted his compliment into a disparagement. Among the many things I’ll miss about Mad Men is Stan and Peggy’s bickering badinage. Long may it prosper.

Vote here for your favorite one-liner from this week:

Here’s how Slate Plus members are voting so far: